Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Copper resist earrings from the market near Fisherman's Wharf- San Francisco

Copper resist earrings
I had a very busy trip to San Francisco to visit my gorgeous son and his sweet girlfriend. We ate out at fancy restaurants and had one meal at Coi that was about 16 courses of tangy vegetables, meats, and breads, paired with tasty wines. 

I wandered, with my friend Sally, through Chinatown where we saw shops stocked with fans, t-shirts that said I Love San Francisco, and funny magnets with vegetables on them.

One of our treks ended at Fisherman's Wharf where there are old wooden boats that have been beautifully restored.  The wind was strong, and you could imagine how tough it must have been for the sailors on those wooden boats battling the wind and rough seas many years ago.
As we wandered up to Ghiradelli Square, we came across a street market where a very nice man explained the processes he used to create these "resist" earrings.  I liked them, but had decided to move on without them when Sally said,
"You should get those for yourself." 

I decided that was good advice; I actually bought 2 pairs in different styles.  They seem to go perfectly with just about everything I wear.  It is fun to do something special for yourself every once in a while.  Also, jewellery has no calories...
Off center door on one of the old boats- Fisherman's Wharf


  1. Al and I were in San Francisco week before last. Wish I'd seen those earrings. We spent a day at Fisherman's Wharf.

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