Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Silver cuff from the Old Muttrah Souk in Muscat

Omani silver cuff
When you enter the Old Muttrah Souk in Muscat, you step back in time.  The scents of frankincense and sandalwood surround you as you wander among buyers and sellers in both traditional and modern dress.  Rows of tiny stores sell spices, dish dashes, and silver.  I bought tiny pots of frankincense and myrrh and an embroidered kumma. (Omani cap)

This cuff features a khanjar dagger, now chiefly symbolic in Omani culture, a camel, and a sailboat.  Muscat has a stunning harbour in the centre of town where I could imagine traders from long ago bringing their wares to the Souk.  I love the ship rope motifs that surround each of the icons.

Oman is about a 4 1/2 hour drive from Dubai and also features mountains, diving, hiking, and some great resorts.  The Omani people are so lovely too, and so proud of their beautiful country.

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